2025 Mass Intentions
The Holy Cross Parish mass intention book for 2025 is open.
Please review the guidelines on the new mass intention request form found on our website, parish office, and both entrances of the church, as we have made some changes to be in alignment with the policies established by the Archdiocese of St. Boniface for scheduling mass intentions. Please contact the parish office at office@holycrossparish.ca or (204) 233-7367 with any questions. Thank you for your understanding as we try to follow church guidelines, have masses available for the recently deceased and accommodate those who have regular mass intentions.
Please note that mass cards are now $3.00 each and must be paid separately from the mass intention stipend.
*We have mass intention openings for the month of January and February. You may have additional masses said, on a “first-come, first-served” basis, regardless of how many you have already had.