In response to Jesus' loving plea to spend time with him, Holy Cross Parish offers the faithful an opportunity to worship.


Parish Bulletin

The parish bulletin is posted each week. This is a wonderful resource for the latest news and announcements and events in the parish and our local faith community.


Current announcements

Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross will be prayed every Friday during Lent at 7:00pm.

The First Friday 7:00pm masses will resume on May 2, 2025.

Posted: 03/7/25 9:00 AM


Good News! Our NEW ELEVATOR is fully functional and paid in full! Thanks to everyone for your generous donations.

On a note for users:

  • Please do not hold the buttons. It operates as a “normal elevator.”
  • One touch of the button is all that is required.

The new markings are:

  • 3 . . . Church/Washroom
  • M . . .Lobby – Main Floor
  • 1 . . . Parish Office/Boardroom
  • LL . . .Hall/Basement
  • There is a HELP button in the elevator, should you need immediate assistance.
  • If the HELP button has been activated, please wait until the recorded message is completed.  Then inform the operator of your emergency.
  • If HELP button has been pressed accidentally, please remain in the elevator to inform operator that assistance is not required and the call will be cancelled.  This is to prevent emergency services being dispatched.

This elevator is new and may require a few minor adjustments.  Should you encounter any non-emergency problems, please inform the Parish Office during regular business hours at 204 -233-7367 or [email protected]


Posted: 02/28/25 9:49 AM

2024 Donation Receipts

The 2024 donation receipts have been mailed. If you do not receive them in the mail in the next week, please contact the parish office at 204-233-7367 or [email protected] so we can re-issue you another. If we have made an error on your donation tax receipt for 2024, please contact the parish office.


Posted: 02/14/25 10:09 AM

Holy Cross Parish Men’s Group

Attention men of Holy Cross! All men ages 18 and up are invited to the Holy Cross Men’s Faith Sharing and Prayer Group, which meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the every month at 7:00pm in the church. Video presentation, faith sharing, and discussion, closing with the holy rosary. We learn, we share, we discuss, and we pray.

Please contact Charles at (204) 235-1725 or [email protected]  or Christophe at (431) 866-5138 or [email protected] for more information.



Posted: 11/10/23 2:07 PM

Devotions Prior to 7:45am Weekday Masses

There will be a new format of devotions, as below:

  • 7:00am – Invitatory and Morning Prayer, from the Church’s Divine Office, also known as the Liturgy of the Hours – which the Church encourages all laity to pray.
  • 7:15am – Rosary
  • 7:35am – Sacred Silence
  • 7:45am – Daily Mass

In order to follow along in this Morning Prayer, in lieu of everyone having to bring their own books, we suggest, for all who are able, to download the free iBreviary app for iPhone or Android phones or iPads/tablets. Then those who are able to use this app can participate in responses. All others may still follow along prayerfully.

We are excited to begin this new initiative, and to join with the prayer of the Church!

To view the poster, click here.


Posted: 10/19/23 8:37 AM

Employment Opportunities

Manitoba Catholic Schools are hiring!

Follow your vocation in our Catholic Schools!

Are you currently attending university with the intent of becoming a teacher? Do you know someone who is? Why not consider bringing your faith and work together by teaching at a Catholic School? Just starting out? We are always looking for substitute teachers! A new graduate? Check out our website for employment opportunities.  Join our team today!


Posted: 05/15/23 7:29 AM

Bulletin Announcements

All bulletin announcements must be emailed to [email protected] or handed into the parish office by noon on Wednesdays and must be approved by Sister Charlotte Leake.

Any announcements forwarded to the office after the cut-off, will be published the following week if approved.


Posted: 04/21/23 8:18 AM

Poster/Bulletin Board Policy for the Church, Basement and Adoration Chapel

If you would like to advertise an event on the bulletin board or hang a sign up in the church, basement, and/or adoration chapel, PLEASE CONSULT THE PARISH OFFICE FOR APPROVAL FIRST!!! Posters MUST have an “Approved” stamp with a signature. Approval will be granted, if the following conditions are met:

  • Events promoted are consistent with Catholic values.
  • Events promoted will foster the growth of the Church.
  • Events promoted are not self-promoting or solicitous.

We reserve the right to remove any poster in the church, basement, and/or adoration chapel that does not have an “Approved” stamp and/or that does not meet these criteria.


Posted: 04/20/23 10:37 AM

Elevator Lift – Out of Order

The elevator lift is out of order. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your patience.

Posted: 12/29/22 8:06 AM

Second Saturday of the Month Holy Hour (Charismatic Prayer at Holy Cross)

Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends in Christ Jesus!

Peace be with you!

Psalms 34:8  “O taste and see that the Lord is good”.

We have some good news to communicate to you. Every second Saturday of the month Holy Cross Parish will have Charismatic Prayer from 7.00pm to 8.30pm.

You are invited to encounter the One who created you and loves you!

  1. Praise and Worship to lift up our Soul! Face to face time with Jesus with the Eucharist Lord.
  2. Thanksgiving to Holy Trinity
  3. Spiritual message by Fr. Ani Xavier OFM Cap
  4. Giving testimony by individuals
  5. Prayer of intercession
  6. Healing prayer to fill your soul with peace of mind.
  7. Benediction

God is ready and waiting for you, will you accept His invitation to be with Him?

Kindly inform your families and friends; this is the best way of evangelization…

Holy Cross Parish doors are OPEN… Let us pray in one Heart, One Mind & One Spirit…

Posted: 09/23/22 9:55 AM

Announcement submissions

Any announcements you wish to submit for the bulletin must be ready for publication. Please submit your announcements prior to the event for consideration.

Contact us with particulars of which dates you would like the announcement to appear, by:

  • E-mail: [email protected];
  • Fax: (204) 233-5355; or
  • Drop it off in person at the Parish Office (252 Dubuc Street)

All announcements are subject to approval by our Pastor.