Holy Cross School
About Holy Cross School

Holy Cross School has a unique history as the first English Catholic school in St. Boniface. During its eighty plus years, Holy Cross School has developed a tradition of excellence which has fostered the spiritual and academic growth of its students. From the inception of the parish, the importance of Christian education was paramount and parishioners were dedicated in their support of their children’s education.
Today’s school enrollment is close to 300 students in Kindergarten to Grade 8. Students, who come to Holy Cross School from all over Winnipeg, are educated according to standards outlined by Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth. This schooling is enriched through faith formation experiences as well as participation in a variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Why choose Holy Cross School?
- Commitment to academic excellence
- Dedication to Catholic faith formation for all students
- Full time & half time Kindergarten
- Pre-Kindergarten (new)
- Hot lunch cafeteria
- Participation in national mathematics competitions
- School-wide public speaking
- Industrial arts program for grade 7 & 8
- Full-size gymnasium & playground
- Science lab
- Networked computer lab
- Varsity teams & intramurals
- Strong parental involvement
- Before & after school program
Contact Holy Cross School
For questions or inquiries about tuition fees, registration or enrollment, please contact the school directly by:
- Email: [email protected] (Secretary: Mrs. Erin Dietrich)
- Email: [email protected] (Principal: Mr. Alexander Cap)
- Phone: (204) 237-4936
Or visit their website at: www.holycrossschool.mb.ca
Holy Cross School
300 Dubuc Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H 1E4