Mass Intentions
We will be accepting requests for mass intention bookings for 2025 as of Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
Please note the following:
- As per Canon law, one mass on each Sunday, as well as on Holy Days, will be scheduled for the intentions of all parishioners (Pro Populo) – for the people. This includes Christmas Day and the Holy Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil).
- The remaining Easter and Christmas masses will be available, respectfully having different parishioners each year offer their intentions.
- The intention for All Souls’ Day mass(es) will be for all the faithful departed.
- Intentions for Mother’s Day masses will be for all living and deceased mothers.
- Intentions for Father’s Day masses will be for all living and deceased fathers.
- One weekend and one weekday mass per month will be reserved to accommodate a recent death and/or an unforeseen schedule change (illness or absence of a priest, etc.)
Mass intentions can be requested for:
- A person who is living,
- a deceased person (identified by a +)
- a family (The Smith family), or
- a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist (World Peace, Vocations, Respect for Life, etc.)
With mass intentions being very popular at Holy Cross, and to ensure that all our parishioners can have mass intentions said, we will accept reservations as follows:
- An individual/couple/household can request a maximum of twelve (12) mass intentions per calendar year (with no more than two (2) scheduled for a weekend mass and these two not on the same weekend); and a maximum of four (4) of which may be requested for specific days/dates.
- If the specifically requested date and/or time is already taken, you will be contacted to choose a different date/time.
- Openings, if any, will be announced on a first come basis, regardless of the number you have already.
Please complete the editable 2025 mass offerings form and return it by mail, drop it in the collection basket (please use a separate envelope marked ‘mass intentions’), or bring it to the parish office. Each mass intention stipend is $10.00 (cash or cheque only). Please make cheques payable to Holy Cross Parish. Mass intentions cannot be entered in the calendar without payment.
Note: A mass stipend is not eligible for a tax receipt and will not appear on your annual charitable receipt. A mass offering given for a personal intention is not buying a mass and it isn’t paying the priest as if it were his personal money for having said the mass. It is an offering made in thanksgiving for the intention.