In response to Jesus' loving plea to spend time with him, Holy Cross Parish offers the faithful an opportunity to worship.

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Kitchen/Basement Fundraiser in Memory of Fr. Martin Bradbury & Rita Bradbury

The renovation of the Holy Cross Parish basement hall and kitchen was a project very dear to Fr. Martin Bradbury and his mother Rita. At the time of their passing, they both requested that donations be made in their memory to help fund this special project.

To read more about this project and to keep up-do-date with our progress and ways you can help support this fund, please visit this link: Update on Kitchen/Basement Renovation Fund.

We invite you watch the video that was put together to share with you and with others.  Fr. Martin encouraged everyone to know that donations to this fund would continue feeding the hungry & needy of our community, by completing renovations of our parish basement hall.

We are always looking for ways to raise funds for our Parish. Not only do we need your support for our on-going Parish ministries, we also have many plans ahead for the future. Without your financial support, none of this would be possible.

All donations to Holy Cross are tax receipt-able.

If you would like your donations to be directed to a specific fund, please let us know by sending us an e-mail at [email protected].

Donation methods


Donating to the Parish is secure and easy. Select a donation amount and click on the donate button below (via PayPal) to make a donation to Holy Cross. You will be sent to PayPal’s secure website to make your donations.

Please support our church

Automated Bank Withdrawal

Regular donations can be set up to be withdrawn directly from your bank account on a weekly, bi-monthly or monthly basis. You can download the form by clicking here. Please complete this form and return it to the Parish Office, along with any supporting documentation.


To make a gift by cheque, please send cheques with gift information (as mentioned above) to:

Holy Cross Parish
252 Dubuc Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2H 1E3 Canada

In person

We also accept cash or cheque donations which can be dropped in the Sunday Offering Baskets or in person at the Parish Office.

Required information

For any gift, please provide us with the following information:

  1. Name and address, as it should appear on the official tax receipt
  2. Name of the fund you are donating to (i.e. General Fund, Building Fund, Youth Ministry, Perpetual Adoration, etc.)
  3. A phone number and/or e-mail address where we can contact you, should any issues arise regarding your contribution

Thank you

We are very appreciative for the contributions we receive. Here are a number of projects your donations are supporting:

  • General parish fund
    The general operation and costs of our Parish
  • Building Fund
    Financial assistance for maintaining and improving to our aging building
  • Youth & Young Adult Ministry
    Supporting our young children & young families in spiritual growth, through ministerial activities
  • Holy Cross Perpetual Adoration Chapel fund
    For the continuation of our 24 hour, 7-days a week Adoration Chapel.
  • Community outreach programs
    Food bank and other community enriching programs