In response to Jesus' loving plea to spend time with him, Holy Cross Parish offers the faithful an opportunity to worship.

About us


By the grace of God and under the direction of the Holy Spirit, we boldly proclaim the Good News to all peoples.

Inspired by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we, a Roman Catholic Community, celebrate the Eucharist and the human person.

We are committed to leading others to a personal relationship with Christ through love, witness, worship and good works.


As intentional disciples of Jesus Christ striving for holiness, we are healed and nourished by God’s Word and the Sacraments.

We are empowered to discover and then joyfully share our gifts to fulfill Jesus’ mission.


In faithfulness to the teaching of Christ and His Church, with the help of the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints:

We value the opportunity to encounter Him through prayer, fellowship and works of charity.

We recognize and support the missionary work of all the baptized.

Through our works and lives, we strive to make Christ known to all.

Get to know us better

Use the following links to find out more about us, including when our services are, and how you can get in touch with us.